Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Website Mock Up

I used layer comps to showcase the different components of my personal website mock up. The first layer comp features the home page of the website. To create this I used a picture I took as the background, I changed the picture to black and white. I used the shape tool to create two rectangles, one at the top and one towards the bottom. I filled both rectangles with white color, but I played with the opacity with the bottom rectangle. I downloaded the font for "Hi, I'm Lee Ann" and adjusted the color accordingly. I dropped on the pictures of the social media as well. The second layer comp shows a hover link. I dropped in a point and placed it over "About Me". I changed the color of that phrase to show what it would look like if one hovered over a link. The third layer comp shows the actual About Me Page. I hid the layers I did want shown and dropped in a picture of myself and added a drop shadow. I used the shape to create a rounded rectangle and adjusted the opacity before adding in the filler text. 

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