Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Pictogram: "Elephant in the room"

Personally, the word was new to me. I didn't even know there was a name for pictograms. Commonly, they are seen to differentiate between the men's or women's bathroom, but in class this week we took these simple designs and gave them new life. Within this design, we incorporated the pictogram and gained inspiration from Viktor Hertz. I choose the popular phrase "the elephant in the room" to portray in this design. If you didn't know, this phrase basically describes a situation when two (or more) people are experiencing some type of awkwardness within an exchange of communication. This awkwardness is usually because of the "elephant in the room" or, in other words, an obvious truth that no one wants to talk about.

So, I chose the man and woman pictogram in the center of the design to depict a couple or just two friends with some type of attraction to one another.  I chose this because, simply, I just couldn't do my first pictogram without these two. I almost laugh while looking at the design because the figure are as stiff and awkward as it is. It only adds to the underlying message. Then, I created another layer and dragged in the elephant that is shown. I used the crop tool to slice the elephant and I also created an additional layer for each half of the elephant. I used the magic wand to take the original color of the elephant away. It was originally a grayish color on the inside. Simply, I clicked on half of the elephant with the wand and pressed delete on the keyboard. I placed one half of the elephant on the left of the design and another on the right. I took away the color to stick with a more basic design. And, I cut the elephant in half to better portray the phrase I'm trying to express. The elephant cut in half is just awkward and almost hard to ignore.

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